Thriving in a romantic relationship

A series of three workshops
in collaboration with
In addition you will receive :
Presentations in PDF format
Exercises in PDF format
The ebook "The essential tools for life"
Workshop N° 1 - How to create or attract a romantic relationship in the image of your desire?
To love and to be loved is the fundamental desire of every human being. What role can a romantic relationship play in the development of human beings and in the learning of true love? And how to attract in your life a new relationship in the image of what you really want?
Points seen and developed during this workshop
Soul mate or twin flame?
Are you complete or incomplete?
Romantic love, fusional love, love-passion, physical attraction, etc. Is it love?
How a relationship is created – everything is vibratory!
Thoughts and intention
Desires and emotions
Attention and Focus
What love experience do you choose to live?
How to direct your vibrational resonance experience?
Write your new romantic relationship agreement.
What values do you want to live in your new relationship?
Workshop N° 2 - Healing the past to start from scratch
To write a new love story, the page must be blank. To turn the page on the past, any unresolved emotional charge (anger, resentment, sadness, feeling of betrayal, fear of being hurt, etc.) must be released. For this, it is a question of accepting that this past experience can serve you in a positive way.
Points seen and developed during this workshop
How to align the head with the heart – your energy (vibration) is what creates your experience: “I want to, but…I don't really want to. »
How to release energy ties and resolve past relationships?
How to maintain the energy vibration allowing to manifest the relationship you want to create?_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
Can online dating sites be used in this new context of unconditional love?
Workshop N° 3 - Using conflict to flourish in love
Do you know that all the circumstances of your life are a reflection of your own conscience? In this workshop, you will learn how to use situations that you don't like or that are conflicting to transform yourself. It is your own transformation that will bring about a change in your relationship or attract a new one. You don't have to have a relationship in the present to practice new habits. You can use the conflicts in your past relationships to do this work.
Points seen and developed during this workshop
The other, my mirror, my master.
How to live a romantic relationship without drama and without crisis?
How to use conflict to transform yourself?
Communicate with clarity – exchange and share with transparency and awareness.