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Interviews and conferences

Influencer son futur, rêve ou réalité ?
Conférence 6 décembre 2022

en collaboration avec Rayonnance TV

Comprendre les ramifications de la matrice de l’illusion peut aider à contribuer d’une manière bénéfique à une résolution plus harmonieuse et fluide des crises et des drames autant sur le plan personnel que mondial.


En fait, la résolution d’une crise est intimement liée à notre capacité de nous remettre en question sur le plan individuel afin d’élargir nos perspectives et nos possibilités d’expression.


Les crises que nous traversons nous offrent l’occasion de nous délester du bagage qui ne nous sert plus, afin de reprendre la responsabilité de notre vie pour redevenir des êtres libres et souverains.

Information or illusion?
Conference May 15, 2022
in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

The global situation we are currently experiencing is unstable, unpredictable and it can easily generate feelings of instability and insecurity.


In the face of any difficult, dramatic or critical situation, or when fear and worries surface, it is essential to have discernment in order to be able to find an inner state of solidity and stability.


How to make decisions with more confidence? How do you learn to recognize what is best for you?

How to overcome the fear of the unknown and the future? How to rediscover your intuitive abilities?

In 2022, what future can we foresee?
Conference January 31, 2022

in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

What possibilities does this new year bring with it?


We will explore together how we can help make 2022 a year of profound transformation, regardless of the external circumstances or however fast things are moving towards a new paradigm of consciousness.


It is high time to master our capacities for co-creation and manifestation in order to embody in matter this new human being who already lives within us.

The global crisis, an invitation to grow in consciousness
Conference September 26, 2021
in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

Humanity currently finds itself at the heart of a global crisis  , a crisis that is upsetting all our conceptions of life and reality, a crisis that is generating a morbid fear of sickness or death for some, and which causes great insecurity, worry and even despair for others.


A crisis that confronts us with the need to regain our autonomy, to take responsibility for our choices and our lives, if we do not want to be subjected to increasingly tight indoctrination and control. When such a crisis surfaces, it is a sign that the old balance is upset and a new structure must replace the old one. One door closes so another can open.


How can we imagine the best with clarity and confidence in the midst of chaos and confusion? To resolve this crisis, an inner revolution must take place within us so that a new societal structure can surface around us. A society where free and sovereign beings will be the actors.

Have we forgotten our identity?
Conference February 24, 2021

in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

We are at a decisive point in the evolution of humanity where we find ourselves faced with the need to reclaim our true identity if we want to transform our world. It is by becoming able to express new aspects of ourselves that we connect with the new divine matrix with power. And it is this inner alchemical transformation that allows us to have a real influence on outer reality.


To become an authentic and integral representative of this magnificent consciousness that is the Source, it is necessary to better understand our spiritual nature so that the well-hidden secret of our origin and our innate potential can be revealed to us.


In this lecture, we will see what the fundamental principles of Source are, which will allow us to have new reference points to know if we represent this new consciousness in an authentic way in our daily life.


Points discussed during the conference:

• How do we recognize the signs that show us that our divine DNA is beginning to activate?

• What are the fundamental principles of the Source?

• How do we recognize that we are expressing these principles in our lives?

• What are three of the basic desires that unite all human beings?

• Is it possible to powerfully manifest a new reality?

Open the door to unlimited abundance
Conference May 23, 2021
in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

  • What is abundance or prosperity?

  • Why is abundance not constantly present in our lives?

  • Why are there beings who have nothing and others who have too much?

  • Why do we live in lack or scarcity of certain things?

  • Is this part of the Creator's plan for mankind?

  • Abundance or prosperity for all, is it possible?

What if there is an inexhaustible flow of energy from which we can generate anything we need?

Wouldn't you like to know how to access it?

The current crisis, a mirror of who we are?

Conference November 10, 2020

in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

​ In this lecture, we will cover the following points:

  • What role did we play in the emergence of the current global crisis?

  • Do we have a power of influence in the evolution of this crisis?

  • What about our free will?

  • Understand the need to overcome our fears to become a free being again

  • Why do we have to let go of everything we have believed to be true so far?

Listening to each other... What if we finally understood what that means?

Conference October 13, 2020

in collaboration with Rayonnance TV

  • What is  guidance and inner knowing?

  • Do we all have the capacity to be guided and to have answers?

  • Are there different types of perception?

  • How to be in a state of receptivity?

  • How to communicate directly between our human aspect and our spiritual aspect?

From the crutch couple to the conscious couple

Conference June 18, 2020

in collaboration with Harmonie et Conscience

  • What is love ?

  • Can true love hurt?

  • Why can romantic relationships provide opportunities for profound transformation?

From insecurity to unwavering faith

Conference April 21, 2020

in collaboration with Rayonnance TV

  • What are guidance and inner knowing?

  •   Can everyone have access to it?

  • What authority (information) do we rely on to make decisions; can we trust our guidance?

  • Why it's time to change the operating system by going "from reason to vibration"!

Release your power by attuning to the divine within

Conference February 27, 2020

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What are the fundamental principles of the Source?

  • How can we express these principles in our lives?

  • Three basic desires that unite all human beings

  • Choose to represent our divinity with power and authenticity to live in love.

Listening to our inner guidance

Conference November 7, 2019

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What are guidance and inner knowing?

  •   Can everyone have access to it?

  • What authority (information) do we rely on to make decisions; can we trust our guidance?

  • Why it's time to change the operating system by going "from reason to vibration"!

Find the true meaning of life

or how to go from fear to love

Conference October 3, 2019

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • Why does fear prevent love from expressing itself?

  • How can we transmute fear to regain freedom and power over our lives?

  • How to understand the frequency of love as  ordering and fundamental force of the universe.

  • How can we recognize this force of love within us in order to have experiences that reflect this energy to us?

How to build a new world

Conference May 9, 2019

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • Who are we? Can we know our real nature?

  • Is there anything out of Source!

  • Why do we need to take back responsibility for our creations throughout history and in the present?

  • How to open the door to new possibilities, dare to go towards the unknown?

  • Understand our power to influence our life and reality.

Get to know each other better for more harmonious relationships

Conference February 21, 2019

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What is the nature of the human being and of the reality in which we evolve?

  • Why are our relationships the mirror of our state of being?

  • How do we know if we are aligned and authentic?

  • How to have more harmonious and fulfilling relationships?

  • Why do we live in relationships that are not the way we really want them to be?

How to embody your life purpose

Conference June 26, 2018

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What is a life mission?

  • Why do you feel like you are not finding or fulfilling your life purpose?

  • Can you know the primary purpose of your current incarnation?

  • What do you need to know or do to fulfill your life mission?

  • Can you miss your life mission?

Discover your body's natural intelligence

Conference May 1, 2018

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What are the different aspects of being human?

  • What is the purpose of experiences in the material world?

  • Does your body have abilities that science does not yet recognize?

  • What is the role of physical feelings and the emotional system in maintaining a feeling of well-being and balance?

  • Do you want to better understand your body's intelligence and its innate abilities to maintain or regain its balance?


Please note that the sound quality of the live conference was affected by technical problems. That's why I recorded a new version...

Do you know who you are?

Conference February 20, 2018

in collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What do you identify with?

  • How do you define yourself?

  • Do your past actions condemn you forever?

  • What is your value and where does it come from?

  • Are regrets, guilt, and all those negative feelings serving you or harming you?

  • What is your true nature and how can you align with it?

A new state of consciousness for a new reality

Conference November 14, 2017

In collaboration with ADN Nouveau Paradigme

  • What is the nature of the universe?

  • What is reality and how is it created?

  • What place do you occupy in this universe?

  • What is this new version of the human being that is emerging?

  • How to know if you are part of it or rather… how to be part of it?

  • What does Unconditional Love have to do with all of this and how can we truly experience it?

A new human for a new reality

Conference  April 18, 2017

In collaboration with The Big Change

  • Why do you need to elevate your vision to a higher plane of consciousness?


  • Understanding reality as something malleable through thought and desire.

  • Learn to direct your experiences consciously through your intention and  your vibrational frequency. 

Introductory lecture


Conference November 27, 2014

In collaboration with The Big Change


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