The music of Frederik Evelein
A deeply transformative experience
to discover the multidimensionality of your being!
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Source Music album gallery by F. Evelein
This magnificent music is composed of a set of galactic and universal light frequencies favoring the elimination of energetic blockages of the neurophysiological system. Naturally generated sounds flow through your physical body's energy field to help clear low and negative energies. This process helps restore tissue balance and raise your vibrational frequency.
As you ask for this music to hold you in this energetic healing consciousness, divine geometry of a universal nature flows through the sound waves to lead you into powerful alignment with your divine DNA.
This music helps you gradually raise your vibrational frequency. It takes you through different refined vibrational planes and helps you gradually eliminate the old reference systems that limit you.
Towards the end of this album, a pure and brilliant light charged with Universal Consciousness and Love penetrates your energy space as well as your body. This light begins to transform everything into the highest frequency that benefits you at this stage of your awakening.
This process will help you tune into your Universal Consciousness while making you feel an intimate connection to Divine Source.
Source Connection
Awareness of your true being is not only planetary, but also universal. It has infinite potential since you were created with the energy of Source, the cosmic Consciousness at the origin of all Creation, at the center of the universe.
You can now create a new reality and attract new experiences, from this pure and powerful energy which is that of your true identity.
By listening to this music, you begin to connect with your Higher Consciousness and Universal Source Consciousness. You are beginning to mold your reality in a whole new way, in perfect harmony with your inner nature which is loving, harmonious and powerful. You can then experience a reality that is in harmony with the universal principles of love, beauty, goodness and truth.
This music brings in energies that help you calibrate your human brain to the new divine high frequencies now available on Earth. This alignment of your brain with the new electromagnetic frequencies of the earth matrix will help you create your reality with precision and ease, in tune with your divine being and the universal Source.
At the heart of our universe is the Universal Source, Consciousness and Life of our divine Creator. Our original essence, or what may be called our soul, originated from this Source and was created by the Consciousness of the Creator.
This music brings in the Consciousness and energy of the Divine Creator in a very powerful yet gentle and loving way.
This musical selection supports your connection to the divine Source, the Source at the center of your being, while training you in a vibrational elevation. This music also promotes the elimination of low and negative energies.
It supports the integration of your divine encoding into your physical body so that your human life reflects the Love and Beauty of the divine Creator.
This music was designed to be easily absorbed by your cells. It allows you to experience a deep and intimate connection anytime, anywhere, just by listening to it !
Your body will relax in a completely natural way when listening to this music. You can support this process by inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. You will begin to open up to a sense of calm and inner peace.
This piece helps you create healthy energy boundaries. This energy always works in alignment with your Spiritual Self and helps you clear your energy field of unwanted information and energies. You can support this process with your intention.
This music invokes the presence of the Archangels. These divine beings of light protect the integrity of your sacred space and assist you in dislodging and dissolving negative information and frequencies that prevent you from expressing yourself authentically. You can visualize a rain of pure, white light flowing over you and purifying your whole being.
This pure and flowing music offers the possibility of clearing unnecessary clumps of thoughts, negative mental energies and limiting beliefs. This frequency helps you dissolve those accumulated energies in your brain and nervous system. You can support this clearing by asking for old energies that no longer serve you to be cleared from your being.
This rich music contains multi-dimensional frequencies to help you shift and reprogram the negative energy stuck in your cells. It addresses both conscious and unconscious energies that prevent you from feeling good and feeling in tune with your divine being. These frequencies will begin to transform negative energies, always in tune with your Spiritual Self.
This music creates an atmosphere containing an energy of calm. It helps you achieve inner silence and let go of chaotic thoughts in order to feel more intimately connected with your Divine Essence.
The deep tones of this music naturally cause attunement to the zero point that is at the core of your being. The zero point of each of your cells is also trained to vibrate optimally to support greater well-being.
This deep music envelops you in the presence of Source and your true divine Essence. It helps you to feel the energy of your true being, beyond time and space. Let your true self emerge, let yourself be enveloped by your divine Essence in order to feel more in tune with your unique expression as a human being.
The restful, uplifting energy of this music acts as waves of pure, loving light enveloping you. These gentle waves support a feeling of deep relaxation and eliminate any feelings of stress and tension. They help you feel serene, peaceful and connected to the Source of your being.
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Votre corps de lumière est une structure et un programme universel fait de lumière pure. Votre corps de lumière existait avant votre incarnation dans ce corps physique et vous le retrouverez lors de votre transition pour retourner vers votre état de conscience originel.
Pendant notre vie terrestre, nous sommes complètement absorbés par des pensées, des croyances ou des habitudes qui nous tiennent éloignés de notre nature divine. Dans ces conditions, notre corps de lumière peut difficilement se développer et nous restons alors entièrement orientés sur la réalité physique.
Cependant, la croissance et l’activation de notre corps de lumière sont essentiels au processus d’éveil et d’ascension. Ces méditations musicales soutiendront votre intention et votre désir d’activer votre corps de lumière.
Énoncez clairement votre intention de reprogrammer votre corps physique et votre structure cellulaire afin que vous puissiez graduellement la transmuter en un corps de lumière. Laissez votre Moi spirituel vous guider en vous mettant de plus en plus à l’écoute de tout votre être.
Demandez que votre méditation et l’énergie contenue dans cette musique vous aident à graduellement transcender votre réalité matérielle afin de faciliter l’ascension de tout votre être.
Endocrine and electromagnetic purification
Here is powerful music that can help you cleanse your being of electromagnetic toxicities. Several sources of electromagnetic radiation can influence our energy field: mobile phones, power lines, computers as well as all electrical household appliances, etc. All of these objects constantly radiate vibrations and information that alter the original rotation (spin) of our cells. The vibration of our cells is then affected and the cell can no longer function optimally.
This music contains the frequencies of the Universal Consciousness and it allows the cells to release the toxic electromagnetic vibrations of our whole body thus helping to restore balance.
Listening to this music regularly helps your system to rebalance itself in a natural way with its original divine encoding.
Purify your endocrine system
and electromagnetic toxins
With the Music of the Source,
Purifier votre système endocrinien et les toxines électromagnétiques
Avec la Musique de la Source, Lisez plus ici.
Your original being was created at the Source and the Creator is your spiritual Father. To function with your whole being, it is necessary to open yourself to the true nature of your being which is divine and perfect.
Millennia of manipulation and systems of control have engendered a deep fear of expressing your true nature with authenticity and freedom.
It is essential now to remember this by starting with letting go of all limiting beliefs and fears about your origin and about the Creator_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_divine, which may also be called the Source of all that is.
This music acts a bit like a sound meditation that helps you connect to your true self and release the fears and old energies that are holding you back remembering your true self. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ The energy of this music allows you to connect with your divine essence. Elle puts you in touch with the frequencies of the divine plan and the Essence of your being.
The intention in this music is to attune your vibration with the Consciousness of the divine Creator of this universe. the energy contained -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_music will support your process of integrating your spiritual aspect into your human aspect, so that you feel whole and perfect again._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d 136bad5cf58d_
La musique dans cet album est conçue pour vous aider à ressentir une profonde expansion en vous amenant à vous fusionner avec la Conscience de la Source. Elle fait circuler dans votre être le flot d'énergie provenant de la Source, fait d'amour inconditionnel, et qui soutient toute vie.
En écoutant cette musique, demandez que tout votre être devienne parfaitement cohérent avec cette vibration élevée et expansive, afin de vous souvenir de votre essence originelle.
1 - Le flot d’énergie éternelle émanant de la Source
Cette musique expansive vous invite à calibrer tout votre être avec la fréquence de la Source. Elle vous invite à ressentir la vibration d'amour inconditionnel qui est au centre de votre être et de votre existence.
2 - En présence du Créateur universel
Notre univers fait partie d'un système plus grand que l'on peut nommer le multivers au centre duquel se trouve l'Univers Central. Cet Univers Central contient les formules de création de tout le multivers. Cette musique vous aide à exprimer votre potentiel créateur en activant l'encodage originel de votre ADN.
3 – En présence de la Conscience christique
Voici une musique riche et majestueuse. C'est un voyage sonique qui s'amplifie graduellement pour exprimer complètement l'énergie de la Conscience christique. C'est une présence que vous pouvez ressentir sous la forme d'un profond sentiment d'amour qui prend naissance au centre de votre être. Votre intention de vous fondre dans cette énergie élève tout votre être afin que vous puissiez exprimer votre plus haut potentiel en devenant vous-même cette magnifique Conscience christique.
4 - Intégration de l’ADN divin en vagues de lumière
La conscience et l’information multidimensionnelle qui sont à la base de la vie humaine résonnent à travers les sons graves et les tonalités profondes de cette musique. Cette information contient les fréquences de votre ADN divin, qui est présent en tout. Écouter cette musique vous aide à éveiller votre ADN divin. Votre ADN humain s’accorde alors avec votre ADN divin, qui contient votre potentiel créatif infini. Cet ADN est basé sur les principes universels que sont l’Amour, la Vérité, la Bonté et la Beauté.
5 - Calibration universelle et harmonisation
Cette musique vous amène dans des fréquences universelles. Les tons ascendants et descendants accordent votre ADN humain avec votre ADN divin et harmonisent votre champ énergétique avec la géométrie universelle. Laissez ce flot d'énergie universelle calibrer vos corps physique et énergétique. Demandez d'élever votre fréquence vibratoire à son plus haut potentiel en accord avec la Source.
6 – Expansion et connexion avec l’énergie de la Mère divine
Ces harmonies allongées et expansives vous aident à centrer votre énergie dans un espace calme, rafraichissant et relaxant. L'intensité du centrage augmente tout au long de la pièce, ce qui vous aide à ressentir un sentiment d'expansion permettant à votre essence spirituelle de devenir plus présente.
7 – Amour solaire
Cette pièce amène l'énergie pure et brillante du Soleil, remplissant votre espace d'une énergie étincelante et purifiante. Imaginez que vous êtes dans une sphère de lumière remplie d'amour. Vous vous sentirez enveloppé par cette brillante énergie lumineuse ce qui intensifiera votre connexion avec la galaxie.
This album brings intense and deep energies coming from the Source. These frequencies help to release from your whole being the foreign influences, the energetic information and attachments which do not belong to you. When you clear these energies from your human experience, you then allow your whole being to be able to more easily attune with your Higher Consciousness and Source.
It helps you raise your vibrational frequency, release old programs that no longer serve you, and even helps transmute your DNA manipulations. It helps you to have a new experience of your universal nature by holding yourself in the purifying and loving presence of Source. You will feel embraced by the energy of the Archangels, by your divine guidance and your spiritual lineage, by the creative Mother as well as by the pure and brilliant Light of the infinite renewal which the Love of the Creator offers.
You can use this music for meditation, energy healing or letting go wherever and whenever you want. Even when the music is playing very quietly, it will keep you in the high frequencies of the Source.
This music is everything. It supports you in your process of expanding consciousness and opening up to your true nature.

The music of Frits Evelein in video clips
A multidimensional experience!
Let yourself be carried away by the high vibration of these sound and visual productions which naturally lead you to higher dimensions of your consciousness.
Energy calibration
Purification of physical cells
In the presence of the divine
Taken from the album INTEGRATE YOUR TRUE BEING
The Christ Consciousness